
7 Key Marketing Tactics for Restaurant Franchises

If you’re a restaurant franchise owner or operator, you know that you’re in a crowded space. Every time you turn around, there’s a new competitor nipping at your heels. So, whether you’re a quick service or full service operation, what steps can you take to dominate your market? Read on to find out.

  1. Don’t ignore local marketing. Just because you have some name recognition, that doesn’t mean your franchise can overlook local marketing. While the franchisor actively promotes brand awareness, franchisees need to market aggressively in their cities to grow market share. Local SEO and geotargeted PPC can help drive customers to your door again and again.
  2. Manage your reputation. If you’re in the restaurant business, you’re probably getting online reviews. It’s important to respond to any negative feedback promptly and constructively, and to encourage happy customers to share the love. Restaurants are businesses where relationships really count — where your best customers are “regulars” and you have “hosts” to greet your “guests.” So set the example when it comes to dealing with all your guests, including those who have had a less than optimal experience.
  3. Be consistent. As a restaurant, you’re lucky in that people generally need to eat every day. That means you have the potential for a lot of repeat business. But it also means that your franchise needs to stay at the top of their minds as potential customers make their dining decisions — so you want to maintain a constant presence online (and offline too). Remember, it’s always better to be consistent with one marketing platform than make sporadic appearances across many.
  4. Cater your menu to local preferences. Just because you have a lot in common with your franchise brethren doesn’t mean you can’t add in a few menu items that are regional or local favorites. After all, you’re not just competing with other franchises, but all the other restaurants in your neighborhood, too.
  5. Showcase stunning photography. Use professional-quality photographs of your menu items and interior to draw customers in on social media. There’s nothing like a picture of a delicious meal to get your juices flowing, especially if it’s conveniently posted right before lunchtime.
  6. Connect with your neighbors. You’re probably on Facebook and Instagram already, but consider a platform like NextDoor, the social media/community bulletin board service that caters to a more local audience. Post messages about local events, entertainment and special promotions in the neighborhood.
  7. Get involved. Donate meals to a local shelter. Offer discounts to a hometown charity or sponsorship for a regional sports team. Encourage employees to get involved in a nonprofit in your area. Let your customers know that you care about more than just their dining dollars.


Marketing your franchise requires consistent adherence to a smart strategy. Kymera is a franchise marketing expert — and we can help take yours to the next level. We’d be happy to meet with you to discuss your business goals and how we can work together to achieve them. Contact us for a free consultation.